Benefits of Earthing

Benefits of Earthing

The earth beneath our feet provides us with all the essential ingredients for life such as food and water. But it also provides us with something else essential to our wellbeing, negative charge in the form of electrons.

When you touch the earth with bear skin electrons flow into your body and counteract the positive free radicles leaking from an injury site for example. Left unchecked these free radicles cause damage to surrounding tissue creating local inflammation around an injury. By earthing yourself you are helping to bring your body back to its natural electrical state, connecting to the balancing source of electrons, thus helping to reduce inflammation.

For millions of years man has walked barefoot on the earth never realising the surface contained limitless, natural, healing energy. In recent years it has been recognised that inflammation is a leading trigger of chronic pain, and many health disorders. Connecting to the earth and regaining a balanced state is a key ingredient to optimal health. The longer you are grounded during the day the greater potential benefit you will receive. And the beauty of earthing is that it is free.

Most of us lead busy lives and in some parts of the world the weather conspires against us, so grounding by walking barefoot on the earth is not often practical for much, if any, of a normal day. When we do venture outside most of us wear rubber soled or man-made shoes which are not conductive and therefore prevent us from absorbing the earths energy. Fortunately, there are a range of products that enable to you to remain earthed whilst inside. These products do not use electricity but rather utilise the earth pin on our normal electrical outlets.

Earthing bed sheets and earthing pillowcases are two of the best products that can keep you grounded in the home and can provide you with many hours of beneficial effect whilst you sleep. Earth Potential make a range of fitted bed sheets and pillowcases with conductive silver threads woven through them which are connected to ground via a cable and plug utilising a normal electrical socket (earth pin only). Further products will be added to our range over the next few months to further extend the benefits of earthing into the waking hours as well.

Find out more about Earth Potential products here.

Much research has been carried out into the benefits of earthing and copies of various research studies can be found here.

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