Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What Is Grounding or Earthing?

    Grounding or Earthing is the process of connecting your body to the Earth’s surface. By doing this you are connecting yourself to the Earth’s natural electrical energy.  

    Our ancestors always walked barefoot on soil, grass, sand and in water. In doing so, they automatically and constantly drew up the earth’s natural energy into their bodies.  As a result of this direct contact with the earth, they were always grounded and their bodies stabilised and rejuvenated.  

    Modern living means that humans are no longer connecting with the earth and its natural energy.  We no longer walk around barefoot and we spend less time in the outdoors, apart from when we are on holiday.  This may explain why our holidays, with time spent on the beach and in the sea makes us feel healthier and more relaxed. 

    The grounding sheet enables us to reconnect with the Earth’s natural energy whilst we are asleep. Feedback from people who have slept on grounding sheets has shown that it aids a deeper and more restful sleep and in some cases, may ease aches and pains and improve energy levels.   Grounding can also recharge and thin our blood and it enhances our immune function.  

    Earth Potential Grounding Sheet grounds or earths you by connecting you to the Earth’s natural energy through the conductive silver within the Grounding Sheet.  

  • How long will It take me to become Grounded?

    Research has shown that grounding takes approximately half an hour to move through your body up to your shoulders and neck. Feet, legs and thighs will be grounded more quickly as these parts of your body are closer to your feet which are on the grounded earth.

  • Will Grounding work if I have pyjamas or clothes on?

    Grounding is most effective when your bare skin is touching the Grounding Sheet or the earth. Grounding does not work if you are wearing shoes that have rubber or plastic soles.  Grounding will work through leather soles as the leather acts as a conductor for the earth’s energy.

    Some people have reported a tingling feeling within their feet and legs from the Grounding Sheet.  It is thought that this is the Earth’s electrons moving into the body.

  • How long each day do I need to be Grounded for?

    There is no designated length of time that you should ground each day. 

    The longer you continue to ground yourself, the greater benefits you will see.  However, if you do feel cautious about the process, then you can begin by grounding yourself for a short period of time and then gradually build up to several hours. Grounding at night on the Grounding Sheet has been found to be effective as our bodies are resting and are therefore more open to healing. 

    Sleeping on a Grounding Sheet throughout the night produces many positive results. 

  • What health benefits will I get from Grounding?

    Many people have reported improved sleep and lower stress levels, improved circulation and lower blood pressure and relief from joint pain and inflammation. Most people feel they have more energy.  Some people believe that grounding can help the anti-aging process.  

  • How long does it take to feel the benefits of Grounding?

    The benefits of Grounding can be felt almost immediately.  As soon as we become grounded, either through the Grounding Sheet or through our bare feet, the bodies electrical charge begins to readjust almost immediately to the Earth’s electric field and our nervous system alters the electrical activity within our bodies.

  • Why is my Grounding Sheet making my legs and feet tingle?

    This is a common reaction to the Grounding Sheet.  The tingling comes from the improving circulation in your body when the natural electrical balance in your body is being restored and is nothing to be concerned about.  The tingling is usually associated with the body re-balancing itself from the process of grounding, including re-energising and the reduction of inflammation.  Some people have reported a similar sensation when walking barefoot on the ground or beach. This sensation usually reduces over time with regular grounding. 

    Inflammation is caused by positively charged molecules known as free radicals. When you ground yourself the Earth’s electrons enter your body and reduce the free radicals and in turn, the inflammation they cause.    The movement of these electrons from the earth into the body is what causes the tingling sensation often reported by people using the Grounding Sheet.  

  • How do I maintain my Grounding Sheet?

    Washing instructions come with the Grounding Sheet.  The Sheet can be washed in the washing machine on a normal 30 or 40 degree cycle.  Never add fabric softener or bleaching products as these can destroy the silver threads.  

    Your Grounding Sheet should last for the same amount of time as any quality bedding.

  • How does the Grounding Sheet work?

    The Grounding Sheet picks up the Earth’s energy through the ground contact of the wall outlet (the earth) and transmits the energy through a cord to the Grounding Sheet.  When your body has contact with the Grounding Sheet you absorb the Earth’s energy.

    Unlike an electric blanket, the Grounding Sheet does not get hot. If you like to use an electric blanket you can place it under the Grounding Sheet and use it as normal.  Do not place the electric blanket or any other bedding sheets over the Grounding Sheet as your skin needs to be in direct contact with the Grounding Sheet.  

    Once the Sheet has been plugged in you can leave it plugged in for 24 hours a day without disconnecting it, even when you aren’t in bed. You need only disconnect the sheet when you want to wash it.

  • Why do I feel warmer after Grounding?

    Grounding improves the blood circulation and this in turn generates more warmth in our bodies and often results in a rosier skin colour.

  • Can the Grounding Sheet electrocute me?

    No, because the Grounding Sheet and the connecting cords do not conduct any electricity.  They only conduct the Earth’s energy. The Grounding Sheet is connected to the “earth” of the plug / outlet and the cord has a resistor which makes any current safe in the unlikely event of electric current moving into the grounding wire.  

    So, if there is a power cut the Grounding Sheet will continue to work as it doesn’t operate off the electricity because it is plugged into the earth port of the wall outlet.  You will still be grounded in a power cut!

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